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asked March 20th 2013

Chocolate sauce for moist chocolate cake

My sauce has separated!!! Can I still use it or do I have to start again?

Please help. I am in the middle of a birthday cake for a friend. Have made this cake several times and this has never happened before 🙁


My sauce has separated!!! Can I still use it or do I have to start again?

Please help. I am in the middle of a birthday cake for a friend. Have made this cake several times and this has never happened before 🙁


Hi Sandrafrearson

Do you mean it has split and gone oily? If it has type, in the search box oily ganache, there are some answers there which will help.



It’s not the Ganache it’s the sauce mixture for the cake itself. I forgot to put the cold water in with the chocolate and butter mixture, so I added it at the last minute. I think I left it on the heat too long, thinking the coffee hadn’t dissolved because I forgot the water!!) and it all separated. Anyway the good news is I left it to cool, mixed it with the eggs, etc, then finished the cake as normal and it all seems fine.
Thank goodness:-)


Hi Sandra

I’ve been morphed into Andy again!! lol!! I pleased your mixture turned out ok.


OMG so sorry yet again!!! It’s that flipping email address!!!


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