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Constructing buildings from cake
Hi Paul and Team
I am a amauter baker starter Nov 15 and currently do it as hobby for family and friends . I want to one day do it as a small business once I have taught myself more skills as I am getting many requests for cakes, however in my area there are many cake makers so I have decided in my specialist area as cake architecture creating buildings and scenery as well as offering novelty designs.
My 1st attempt at a building is coming up and I am doing Haddo House Aberdeenshire for Cake Fest Scotland 2016( over ambitious maybe), the building is very big with many adjoining parts. The board size is allowed to be max of 100 cm x 100cm and same height and min of 30 cm same . They have asked the cake represent size of the buildings so small buildings small cakes and so on, Haddo is very big so will be on the bigger scale re board size.
Please could you give me some guidance as to how you feel the best way to approach covering with the fondant as due to size of building it won’t be possible in one go. My intention is to construct cake into full shape, ganache as this will be the strongest support, then cover in fondant by way of sections and panels of fondant. I am also not sure if it would be best to cover buildings first then add roofs and then cover them. Please please give me your expert knowledge and guidance as this is something I wish to really learn and develop on.
If there are any other tip or suggestions on this subject they would be very welcome.Huge thanks in advance look forward to your reply xxxxx Lauren
Hi Paul and Team
I am a amauter baker starter Nov 15 and currently do it as hobby for family and friends . I want to one day do it as a small business once I have taught myself more skills as I am getting many requests for cakes, however in my area there are many cake makers so I have decided in my specialist area as cake architecture creating buildings and scenery as well as offering novelty designs.
My 1st attempt at a building is coming up and I am doing Haddo House Aberdeenshire for Cake Fest Scotland 2016( over ambitious maybe), the building is very big with many adjoining parts. The board size is allowed to be max of 100 cm x 100cm and same height and min of 30 cm same . They have asked the cake represent size of the buildings so small buildings small cakes and so on, Haddo is very big so will be on the bigger scale re board size.
Please could you give me some guidance as to how you feel the best way to approach covering with the fondant as due to size of building it won’t be possible in one go. My intention is to construct cake into full shape, ganache as this will be the strongest support, then cover in fondant by way of sections and panels of fondant. I am also not sure if it would be best to cover buildings first then add roofs and then cover them. Please please give me your expert knowledge and guidance as this is something I wish to really learn and develop on.
If there are any other tip or suggestions on this subject they would be very welcome.Huge thanks in advance look forward to your reply xxxxx Lauren
Hi Lauren
Has it got to be made out of cake or can it be made as a massive topper to sit on top of a massive cake?
Have a look at Paul’s church cake tutorial and read the comment by David below the video. Take a peek also at the cottage cake tutorial for more ideas. Here are the links:
Paul or David are best able to give you much more professional advice if you ask by emailing the site using this form: http://www.cakeflix.com/contact-us
Copy and paste your question on the form so you haven’t got to rewrite it.
There are other discussions, inspirational works and guides online if you google ‘how to make architectural cakes’.
Hope some of this helps.