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Converting round cake quantities to sheet pans
Can anybody tell me how I work out how to convert a recipe I have for a round cake tin into a 1/4 sheet pan for baking please?
Can anybody tell me how I work out how to convert a recipe I have for a round cake tin into a 1/4 sheet pan for baking please?
Hello maitlka
Have look here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-work-out-what-size-cake-tin-to-use
Scroll down to the link for the cakometer, click on the red link which will take you to the calculator. When you see the calculator fill in all the ingredients one by one, scroll down and fill in the dimensions of your round tin. Scroll down again and fill in the dimensions of your sheet tin and the conversion will come up automatically
Measure your sheet tin accurately with a ruler or a tape measure. If have any problems just post again. Hope this helps.