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asked September 30th 2012

Cookie monster cake

I’ve been asked to do a cookie monster cake and thought I would adapt Paul’s Teddy bear cake. I’m struggling to decide which would look better for his fur, butter cream through a star nozzle or icing through a garlic press, could do with some advice please, or is there another nozzle or technique I could use? x


I’ve been asked to do a cookie monster cake and thought I would adapt Paul’s Teddy bear cake. I’m struggling to decide which would look better for his fur, butter cream through a star nozzle or icing through a garlic press, could do with some advice please, or is there another nozzle or technique I could use? x


Hi Bronnie

I think the star nozzel technique would be the quickest and the tastiest. I doing teddy’s fur in ganache through the star nozzle!


Thank you. x


Hiya there is a cookie monster cake in the latest Party Cakes magazine, it doesn’t tell you how to do it but it looks like they have used a nozzle that you would use to do grass. I think wilton do a grass nozzle


Hi, I recently made a cookie monster cake and used the “grass nozzle” to great effect .It was very time c
onsuming and I would recommend doing a crumb coat first of all to give it agood base to stick too!


Cheers all for answering, I googled hair nozzle a few days back and saw Wilton did one and thought I would give that a go as the character’s hair looks longer than the tatty bear. I’m making it for the beginning of November ,so I’ll keep you posted on how well it goes! x

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