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asked February 27th 2014

Correct quantities for ganache

Hi I am new to cake decorating and want to try Paul’s Choc ganache can you give me the quantities for a 10 and a 6 inch cake in grams for chocolate and ml for cream don’t understand Paul’s calculation… Thanks Marcia


Hi I am new to cake decorating and want to try Paul’s Choc ganache can you give me the quantities for a 10 and a 6 inch cake in grams for chocolate and ml for cream don’t understand Paul’s calculation… Thanks Marcia


Hello Churston

You’ll find a quantities chart here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-ganache-cakes-without-gnashing-your-teeth
You may need a little more or a little less so it may be helpful if you also read the accompanying blog. Hope the chart help and good luck with your ganaching.

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