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Costings, guitar cake, help
This will be quite the questions, hope someone can help out a little.
I just costed Paul’s Choclate cake which he uses. According to my costs, ingredients it works out about £13.33 a batch as per the recipe given? Has anyone costed this out, and is this figure roughly about that? Seems quite an expensive mix!?
Also the dark Choclate ganache( in the free Tutorial’1.127 cream and 1.6 dark choc) which he uses £27.20, again is this roughly there ,or am I way off the mark?
And again for the guitar cake ingredients, does anyone have a costing of how much it costs to make? I’m sure it was mentioned as a rough figure somewhere and the selling price that it could go for too?
Many thanks for your help
This will be quite the questions, hope someone can help out a little.
I just costed Paul’s Choclate cake which he uses. According to my costs, ingredients it works out about £13.33 a batch as per the recipe given? Has anyone costed this out, and is this figure roughly about that? Seems quite an expensive mix!?
Also the dark Choclate ganache( in the free Tutorial’1.127 cream and 1.6 dark choc) which he uses £27.20, again is this roughly there ,or am I way off the mark?
And again for the guitar cake ingredients, does anyone have a costing of how much it costs to make? I’m sure it was mentioned as a rough figure somewhere and the selling price that it could go for too?
Many thanks for your help
Hello Paul
Costing ingredients depends on where you shop and what the current market is. Prices change weekly or even daily so everyone has a different costing experience. However there is much more to pricing up the end product successfully without being out of pocket. Please have a look at the following links for useful information:
It’s worth taking the time to read through what other members are saying. There are links within the links which will also be enlightening/ Click of the topics most relevant to you.
For pricing with confidence and making a profit from making cakes take a look at David’s blogs here:
If you are in business or planning to go that way in the near future, the Pro courses are a worthy investment to take your caking journey to another level. Pro courses provide all the answers. Have a look at the topics which Pro membership offers here:
Hope some of the information helps.
Thanks for your help as always!
I have just one more question regarding the guitar cake, at home I don’t have a freezer or fridge large enough to set the ganache on the cake .I live in a flat and there are no cold rooms in my flat. How can I get around this?
Many thanks
If you’re using dark ganache it will set without too much trouble. However try and get it covered with sugarpaste as quickly as you can. To prevent any airborn microbes or dust settling on your ganached cake, cover it up with cling film. If you’re able to use alcohol, add a tablespoon of 40% proof spirit of your choice to the ganache, stir it in gently until its incorporated. It will help as a preservative. Have a look at my blog here, it may help:
Please let me know if all the links in the blog open for you. If they don’t I’ll reset it.
Try and keep one room really cool if you can, approx 19c/20c.
I have one more question regarding the guitar cake.mis the template provided the actual size?
Hi Paul
Yes, it looks very much like the template is the actual size. My apologies for such a late reply. Good luck with your cake. x
That’s no worries! Thanks for your help again 🙂