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asked August 18th 2020

covering dummy cake

i am making my first ever wedding cake for a friend four tiers but two are going to be dummy cakes . just wondering how far in advance i could cover these in fondant and the best way to store once covered . thank you


i am making my first ever wedding cake for a friend four tiers but two are going to be dummy cakes . just wondering how far in advance i could cover these in fondant and the best way to store once covered . thank you


Hi Tina kirsh

Normally they can be done well in advance. However, as these are going to be part of a tiered wedding cake, I would say about a couple of weeks ahead. If you do them too far in advance, the fondant will dry and look slightly different to fresh fondant. Once covered, place the dummy cakes in cardboard cake boxes with lids and store in the coolest part of your home, away from direct sunlight and other heat sources. Similarly, you could also cover cake boards ahead to save time.

Hope this helps. Post again if you need more information and Good Luck! with your project 🙂


How a fondants made?


Hi adibidjiedorn

To make fondant/ sugarpaste from scratch, please see several recipes in the following link:

How to make Sugarpaste from scratch?

If you need more information, please post again. ?

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