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asked June 28th 2012

Cup cakes

I have a good level of experience with regard to baking but whenever I cook cupcakes using paper cases, either foil or just plain the case comes away from the sides of the cake.   I thought it was because I was over baking but I am still having the same problem.  Can you suggest what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you



I have a good level of experience with regard to baking but whenever I cook cupcakes using paper cases, either foil or just plain the case comes away from the sides of the cake.   I thought it was because I was over baking but I am still having the same problem.  Can you suggest what I might be doing wrong?

Thank you



I used to have problems with peeling cases but I do the following and have not had any problems since:

I use good quality cases – I found I had far more peeling cases when using cheaper brands

I let my cupcakes cool down in the tin rather than removing them to a wire rack, this again seems to reduce peeling.

I always store the cupcakes in a cardboard box or tin.  I found that keeping them in a plastic container such as a Tupperware box used to make them peel

Hope one of those suggestions helps


I use heavy duty greaseproof cases from design-a-cake. usually mine peel when my cupcakes are too soft.


quote from hummingbird

My cases keep peeling away from the cakes. What is going wrong?

Different cases will give different results and some will peel. Excess moisture is the main reason for peeling cases. Some of our home bakers have tried baking their cakes for a little longer and their cases have stopped peeling. Excess moisture can often cause cases to stick so always allow cupcakes to cool completely before placing in any airtight containers as condensation can lead to cases peeling away from the sponges. If they keep peeling, try using a different brand of cases.

It’s so annoying as I read the other day a recommendation of what cases to buy and can’t find it again.  I’ll keep looking!


The only supermarket cases Ive had  so far that haven’t peeled are morrisons foil ones.


I also had this problem, and now, before they’re placed in the oven, I use the end of a teaspoon, and swirl the mixture around in the paper cases…don’t know how this works, but not had the problem since LOL


Could you tell me if there is a page for ingredients for the vanilla cup cakes , I didn’t here the quantity Mrs Jones said.


Could you tell me if there is a page for ingredients for the vanilla cup cakes , I didn’t here the quantity Mrs Jones said.


Hi Lilyquinn1

You’ll hear Mrs Jones give out the ingredients clearly in this lesson:

Mrs Jones Vanilla Cupcakes

Hope this helps.

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