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Cupcakes vs large cakes
Hi, here’s a question from a complete beginner. I have some carrot cake recipes I’d like to try, they’re for large cakes or loaf-shaped bakes. I would like to make them as cupcakes. Can I just use the original recipes and reduce the baking time or do I need to use a recipe specifically for cupcakes?
I have made cupcake s with the recipe that I use for my large carrot cake and it they have turned out well.
Thanks, Nicky. I’m a confident cook but not so sure about baking. My recent attempt at carrot cake was pretty much a disaster – it was from an M&S recipe book. They’re usually reliable. I was reluctant to waste any more ingredients in case I was making some very basic beginner’s mistake. I’ll try again as you suggest with a different recipe.
The one by Mrs Jones looks good!
I use Mitch turners recipe for carrot cake, its my favourite and always turns out very well, I think the recipe is on the internet., I have never tried Mrs Jones recipe but I am sure it would be good.
The recipe for Mich Turners cake is on the internet, the amount given is for a 12″ cake, I am sure you will not be disappointed if you try it.
Thanks again, Nicky. I’ve downloaded Mich’s recipe and will maybe give it a try. I’ve also got a Nathan Outlaw one now which is simpler with fewer ingredients, ie no coconut or sultanas. It might be as well to try the cheaper one first before risking another disaster on Mich’s luxury version. 😉