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asked November 12th 2012

dart board cake

hi, i have been asked to do a dart board cake which i thought would be pretty easy, now not so sure. any help on best way to approach this would be most grateful, thanks, alistair


hi, i have been asked to do a dart board cake which i thought would be pretty easy, now not so sure. any help on best way to approach this would be most grateful, thanks, alistair


Hi Alistair!

Seems like a fun cake to make! First I would check around the web to see what’s already been done, how did other people go at it. I found many photos on Flickr, this one being the one I like the most as it’s more realistic and detailed than the others: http://www.flickr.com/photos/anfum/7831109980/ <– I also think there is more cake there as the artist took the time to make the boxes on each side.

Then, I think since it's a dartboard, it's pretty straightforward if you want to keep it simple: make a round cake, flavours and filling will be according to your customer's liking. As for the icing, I think I would cover the cake with fondant, with different colour pieces to make the different scores on the board, then piping the lines and numbers on top with royal icing.

If you're having trouble making the circles, an easy way to trace them on fondant would be to use half a toothpick, tie a piece of string to it, with the other half at the end. Prick the very center of your cake and trace the circles with the other end keeping the string in a tight manner. A DIY food-safe circle maker 🙂

Also, don’t forget to make some darts to prick them around the board.

Good luck with your cake!


Hi Alistair

Just google in how to make a darts board cake and you’ll see lots of different pictures and tips, have a look on youtube too. G’d luck with it.

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