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asked April 4th 2013

Daughter who doesn’t like sugar paste or butter cream – TOO SICKLY

I am making a five tier Wedding Cake for my daughter next month. She loves my chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream and cadburys on top but when I cover in icing she doesn’t like it at all. Same for every other flavour of cake as she says they are too sickly. Can anyone suggest how I can cover the cakes without them being sickly.


I am making a five tier Wedding Cake for my daughter next month. She loves my chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream and cadburys on top but when I cover in icing she doesn’t like it at all. Same for every other flavour of cake as she says they are too sickly. Can anyone suggest how I can cover the cakes without them being sickly.


You could just use ganache like in the white chocolate shard cake http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/white-chocolate-shard. That cake is so beautiful!


Hi Andy
Thanks for your suggestion, I had been thinking of a chocolate fix to the problem. However, I have designed the cake and at least some of the layers need a smooth finish and not sure I can get this with chocholate. I had thought of covering with tempered chocolate leaving a sort of not smooth finish but worried it will look like Artex! My daughter has to be the WORST client anyone can have. I know the florist hides when she phones her LOL.


Hi Debra

Oooo I’ve been morphed into Andy again! I wish I could have his youth!! You can get a nice flat, smooth surface with ganache. Paul uses the hot palette knife and scraper method, it’s a lovely clean technique and the tutorials are very clear and easy to follow, no Artexing!! How about doing a small trial cake to see the results? If your daughter doesn’t like traditional butter cream, a much less sweet alternative is Italian meringue butter cream which can be flavoured to choice. It’s much lighter and tastes like ice cream. I have to agree with your daughter, I’m not keen at all of BC and much prefer a ganache filling. I’m sure other members will contribute their suggestions.

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