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asked June 17th 2017

different types of Buttercream

can you exactly tell me the difference between all the buttercreams that you use like swiss, american and others like which can be used on top for decorating and which can be used just under the fondant or inside the layers and which is better for creating shapes like carrots with nozzles?


can you exactly tell me the difference between all the buttercreams that you use like swiss, american and others like which can be used on top for decorating and which can be used just under the fondant or inside the layers and which is better for creating shapes like carrots with nozzles?



Method: Cream fats, typically butter or shortening or a combination of both, with confectioners sugar, and a little vanilla extract
Pros: This is the easiest and quickest frosting to make
Cons: Very, very sweet.


Method: Cream butter and cream cheese with confectioners sugar, and vanilla extract
Pros: Terrific as a cupcake frosting
Cons: The addition of cream cheese makes this a very soft frosting . It doesn’t hold up well in warm environments, and doesn’t work well as a cake finish as it won’t hold sharp corners or piped details.


Method: Egg whites and sugar are cooked over a double boiler. Once the sugar has dissolved and the mixture reaches at least 140 degrees F, it’s whipped into a stiff meringue before adding softened butter and flavorings. After butter is added, SMBC will first appear curdled before finally coming together.

Pros: Smooth , delicious. and works beautifully as a cake finish when creating details like flowers or borders. SMBC is a very stable frosting and is commonly used to fill and finish fine wedding cakes, as it works like a dream under fondant.

Cons: Requires time and patience, as well as a double boiler and candy thermometer, which can be intimidating. SMBC will soften quickly in warmer conditions.


Method: Sugar and water need to be cooked to the “soft ball stage”*, then drizzled into egg whites before being whipped into a fluffy meringue. Softened butter and flavorings are added to the meringue, similar to the method for SMBC.

*At this stage, a little sugar syrup dropped into cold water will form a soft ball. When the ball is taken from the water, it will flatten in your hand after a few seconds.

Pros: Very smooth and creamy with all of the same attributes as SMBC. IMBC is a little more stable than SMBC in warmer weather since the sugar is cooked to a higher temperature.

Cons: Pouring hot sugar into whipping egg whites is not for anyone with a nervous disposition…lol This can take a lot of trial and error to master.


Method: Same process as IMBC, except egg yolks are used instead of whites. Some recipes call for the whole egg, but traditionally only yolks are used.

Pros: This frosting is silky and smooth with a rich flavor. French buttercream works well as a cake filling or as a soft buttercream finish.

Cons: French buttercream is a very soft frosting, so it doesn’t work well if you’re looking to achieve sharp corners or pipe details. It does not work well under fondant or hold up well in warmer environments.



Method: Flour, sugar, and milk are cooked until they reach a thick, custard-like consistency. Once cooled, this mixture is slowly added to creamed butter along with any flavoring.

Pros: A smooth and simple compromise to AMBC if you find it too sweet for you, or if meringue-based buttercream seems too difficult to make or you want to avoid eggs in your frosting. This buttercream holds up well in warm conditions, pipes easily and can be used under fondant.
While many people believe cream cheese frosting is best for red velvet cake, Ermine frosting is what’s called for in most of the older, traditional recipes.

Cons: It’s more labour-intensive than AMBC and is heavier than a meringue-based buttercream.


Method: Same as ermine, except made with a traditional pastry cream consisting of milk, sugar, egg yolks and cornstarch.

Pros: Very smooth

Cons: German buttercream is a soft frosting, with similar drawbacks as the other soft buttercreams. Due to its yellowish tint, it can be difficult to color.


The best one for shapes and the one I use in my cakes as filling and to crumbcoat before icing is the first one American Buttercream. If making shapes pipe/fill shape and then freeze before putting on cake.


Hello Sundas

The most common type of buttercream used is that which is made with icing sugar and softened butter beaten together to form a soft or stiff cream, depending on recipe. This can be coloured and flavoured to use as filling, piping and covering cakes and for making shapes like carrots or flowers. It crusts over and holds up well. Swiss buttercream is meringue based, can be used for fillings, piping and also for covering cakes. It holds up quite well in warm conditons. For more information and recipes, just google it to see variations. Italian buttercream is also meringue based, made with boiled syrup over whisked egg whites. Again, there are many recipes and instructions online. French buttercream is made with egg yolks and not recommended for use under fondant as it is too soft and will not hold up to heat. American buttercream can be made with half soften butter and half crisco (trex). It holds up well for piping, filling and covering. Another type is cooked flour buttercream also called ermine. This is what my generation ( older) used to use way back when, it’s cheap and cheerful. Lots of different recipes online as it appears to be making a comeback. I wouldn’t use this under fondant.
You’ll find a mountain of information on buttercream variations online.


Wow a lot of information
Thank you all for taking time out for me 🙂
I got one thing from all of these answers I.e American, Swiss and cream cheese are the only one that can be used as the top layer to cover cakes if I’m not using fondant?
I don’t like American cakes lol so I think I won’t use it ever if they use American buttercream ?

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