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asked September 11th 2012

dog tooth pattern

Hi, does anyone have any idea how to do a dog tooth pafttern ( small checks) on a jacket which I’m making to go on a figure


Hi, does anyone have any idea how to do a dog tooth pafttern ( small checks) on a jacket which I’m making to go on a figure


Hi michellejones, I was just watching Paul do something like that on the blog earlier. Try going on and looking for the texture mats blog, he describes how to use the mats and then how to colour it in black and white. Hope you find it.


oo thanks will go and have a look now x


Hi michelle

If the jacket isn’t too big, the easiest way to do this is by rolling out your main colour gum paste then cutting out small squares in the second colour, lay them out onto the large piece and gently run a rolling pin over all of it. You’ll get a check pattern. Paul uses this technique in the baby cradle tutorial when he makes the blanket. It can be adapted for the hounds tooth design by dragging the corners of the squares either with an edible ink marker or with gel colours and a very fine paint brush. You’ve probably got an image of the pattern which you could copy using this technique. Hope this helps.x

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