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asked June 29th 2012

Why are my bakes coming out as domed cakes?

Why are my bakes coming out as domed cakes?

New to all things cakey and just bought a 10″ square tin. done x 2 cakes and each one turned out VERY domed….I had to cut an awful lot off to make it half decent but still wasnt impressed with end result….Where am I going wrong??


Why are my bakes coming out as domed cakes?

New to all things cakey and just bought a 10″ square tin. done x 2 cakes and each one turned out VERY domed….I had to cut an awful lot off to make it half decent but still wasnt impressed with end result….Where am I going wrong??


I always bake large cakes on a lower temperature for longer. I recently baked a 12″ square madeira and baked it at 130c fan assisted oven, result with no doming. On a non fan assisted oven that would be 150, however, all ovens vary, if you think your’s is hot at those temperatures you could adjust a little more but don’t forget to increase the baking time too. Some people find a baking core (a metal cone) works for them because the metal core distributes the heat evenly through the mixture. They can be bought on line or in cake decorating stores. Hope this helps.


Try scooping out the centre down to the base of the tin. Wrap several layers of newspaper around tin and place small dish of water on bottom of oven. This will ensure your cake does not dome. X


I’ve recently read a tip online not sure where. Scoop out the centre right down to the cake base like a doughnut tried it a couple of times since it worked a treat:)


I sometimes put a shallow tray of water on the bottom of the oven, it stops the cake from getting a peak.


Either your oven is too hot or you have too much batter in the cake pan. Try filling the pan to only 3/4’s full or as  madeitwithlove suggested, baking for longer as a lower heat.


Is freezing cakes good to ice them on later on after a month.  Do I keep it out of the freezer longer before icing the cake?



try a lower heat for longer


Hi Just baked a Maderia Cake and it has not domed. I scooped out the middle so I saw the bottom of the tin. Baked @ 160 in a conventional oven.  Hope this helps someone.


Try reading this http://www.lindyscakes.co.uk/2009/12/17/baking-the-perfect-madeira-cake/ (I am presuming you aren’t making fruit cake)


I use Wilton bake even strips (or wrap them with newspaper) and put a bowl of water in the bottom of my oven. It stops the outside of the cake cooking too quick and the water is suppose to regulate the heat throughout the oven meaning the cake cooks even and flat


Thanks so much.  Lots of you seem to have electric ovens, mine is gas??? wondering if I should cook on gas mark 2 or 3 ??


Hi anoukellisdylan, here is a table of temperature conversions:

Electric     Gas

110c            1/4

120              1/2

140              1

150               2

170                3

180                4

190                 5

200                6

220                 7

230                  8

240                    9

You will know how hot your oven gets at these temps so you can decide which is the best for you. I have no experience of gas ovens so can’t recommend a temperature. You can also google for conversions and there should also be information in your oven hand book. The electric temps here are for conventional oven, fan assisted ovens bake are lower temperatures by approximately 20 degrees. Hope this helps.


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