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Dowels in Fruit cakes
Hi, Just wondering how long you can leave the wooden dowels in a fruitcake. Making a 3 tiered fruit cake for next week & wondering if it’s too soon to put them in now? Thanks.
Hi, Just wondering how long you can leave the wooden dowels in a fruitcake. Making a 3 tiered fruit cake for next week & wondering if it’s too soon to put them in now? Thanks.
Hello gphilton
Hardwood wooden cake dowels are fine to use straightway. They can stay strong for years!
Thanks for that. I was more worried about what the wooden dowels may be doing to the inside of the cake over the next 10 days. Like drying the cake or some other negative affect. So you think it’s safe to do them now? This is my first attempt at a stacked cake so I appreciate the advise.
As long as you’ve purchased foodgrade dowels, nothing bad will happen to your cakes. These are designed for inserting into cake as supports. I’ve never encountered wooden dowels tainting fruit cake. It’s perfectly fine to dowel now without any adverse effects. If you are concerned, perhaps use plastic dowels instead.
Attempting stacked cakes for the first time is always a bit scary. Fruit cakes are very, very strong, some people don’t bother dowelling them. However, erring on the side of safety, it’s always better to do so ….. best to be safe than sorry!
Thanks for the great advise. I agree, always best to be safe than sorry. I’ll get on with the doweling, & hope for the best.