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asked March 13th 2013

Edible glitter

I know there has been lots of talk on glitter and you can’t use plastic based glitters on cakes only decorations that are not to be eaten – I’ve heard you can use edible glitter but watching a tutorial on here Paul mentions no glitter on direct contact with the cake – is this still the current law even with edible glitter?


I know there has been lots of talk on glitter and you can’t use plastic based glitters on cakes only decorations that are not to be eaten – I’ve heard you can use edible glitter but watching a tutorial on here Paul mentions no glitter on direct contact with the cake – is this still the current law even with edible glitter?


Hi Zootalaw

Just type in the search box ‘glitter’ and it will take to several answers regarding edible glitter. Your question will appear first, scroll down to the next. Hope it helps.


You can definitely use the Rainbow Dust Edible Silk range directly on the cake. There is more info on their website under the Food Safety link. I haven’t checked any other suppliers!


You might like to have a look at glitters on this interactive site http://www.thebakershop.co.uk/index.php/cake-decorations/sprinklesandsparkles/fully-edible-glitter.html.

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