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asked July 27th 2016

Excess glaze

Hi I have used a clear glaze on some models but have used too much does anybody have any ideas how to remove it


Hi I have used a clear glaze on some models but have used too much does anybody have any ideas how to remove it


Hi Alicain

The glaze can be removed but it is a really messy job which could ruin your model if not carefully done. I’ve done it with a vodka moistened paint brush and very gradually washed off the glaze. Let the model dry and then use some cornflour mixed in with a little ivory or very pale pink petal powder colour to dust the washed parts of the model. The model will appear porcelain like and can be re painted with any features which might have been washed away. If you have isopropyl alcohol use that instead of the vodka because it dries much more quickly.

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