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asked October 31st 2023

expired ground almonds

I have 2 unopened packs of ground almonds with a best before date of april this year. Is it ok to use them…i am fed up with throwing stuff away!!


I have 2 unopened packs of ground almonds with a best before date of april this year. Is it ok to use them…i am fed up with throwing stuff away!!


Hi elaine77

I use loads and loads of ground almonds and have never had problems using any out of date ones. As long as they don’t smell rancid they’re fine. They may lose some of their oils and become dry but generally still good to use. Your ground almonds aren’t that old and as long as they have been stored in a dry place, you can use them.

Use up what you’ve got for home treats like Bakewell tarts, in cakes and homemade marzipan. The marzipan can be dipped in chocolate and enjoyed.

If you buy ground almonds or any other nuts in future, the best way to store them is in your freezer. I have 2 deep, dedicated freezer draws for ground almonds and nuts. Storing nuts in the freezer keeps them fresh and extends their shelf life. You’ll have plenty of time to use them up and never have to throw out your precious and expensive ingredient again.

Hope this helps . 🙂

PS. Your ground almonds have a best before date. That is different to use before date.

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