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asked October 5th 2014


Don’t have a microwave so how do I warm ganache without spoiling it?


Don’t have a microwave so how do I warm ganache without spoiling it?


Hello Eynhallow

Do it over a baine marie or over a pot of very gently simmering water. Bring to simmer shallow amount of water in a sauce pan.Place ganache in a heat proof bowl which fits snugly over the top of the pan without touching the water. Allow the warmth of the steam to heat the ganache, stir ganache gently so heat is evenly distributed while warming. Ensure no steam or water droplets enter the ganache as this can make it seize and spoil. As soon as the ganache begins to melt turn off the hob, the heat will continue warming the ganache to working consistency. When ganache sets up again bring water to simmer again and do as before. I can’t emphasise more that care must be taken not to allow steam or water to enter the ganache. Always warm slowly and stir gently so the ganache doesn’t burn. Take care also not to burn or scald yourself. Hope this helps.

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