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Feeding a fruit cake
How much alcohol should you use each time you feeding the cake and how often?
Thank Ellie
How much alcohol should you use each time you feeding the cake and how often?
Thank Ellie
I would say about one to two tablespoons depending on the size of the cake .Dont be tempted to drown it as it will be more like Christmas pud ! I poke holes in the top of mine with a cocktail stick to let the liquid drain through .I have also heard of people turning the cake upside down each second time it is fed to allow the alcohol to go through the whole cake .
Hi Ellie
It’s personal choice. If you like a boozy cake give it a little extra but normally a couple of tablespoons every couple of weeks. The best way to feed it evenly is through a 5ml oral syringe. Its possible the pharmacy may have a 20ml syringe, you can ask. Warm the feed up slightly each time and inject it in. Turn the cake over when next feed is due and do the otherside. Alternate this way and stop about two weeks before marzipan and icing to allow the feed to totally absorb without leaving wetness on the surface of the cake. There is lots of information of the site for fruit cake. To access it just type in the search box ‘fruit cake’. Hope this helps.