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asked September 8th 2012

First wedding cake

Hi all
Making my first wedding cake and hoping you could tell me if I’m doing anything wrong timing wise.
Weddings 2 weeks today.
Today cover fruit cake with marzipan, cover 14″ board (going to cover the whole board)
Tomorrow cover fruit cake with covapaste and store in cake box.
The week before wedding. Tuesday night defrost Madeira and chocolate cakes . Wednesday add sugar syrup and fill and coat with buttercream and add thin layer of marzipan.
Thursday cover cakes with covapaste and dowell. Store in cake boxes.
Friday stack and decorate
Saturday attempt to get cake to venue in one piece! And set up at 9.30 for 2pm wedding
Go home and get glad rags on

Also with the Madeira which is lemon going to do the sugar syrup with some lemon juice in but for the chocolate cake which is going to have chocolate buttercream filling would I just use plain sugar syrup?

Thanks for any advice starting to panic a bit lol x


Hi all
Making my first wedding cake and hoping you could tell me if I’m doing anything wrong timing wise.
Weddings 2 weeks today.
Today cover fruit cake with marzipan, cover 14″ board (going to cover the whole board)
Tomorrow cover fruit cake with covapaste and store in cake box.
The week before wedding. Tuesday night defrost Madeira and chocolate cakes . Wednesday add sugar syrup and fill and coat with buttercream and add thin layer of marzipan.
Thursday cover cakes with covapaste and dowell. Store in cake boxes.
Friday stack and decorate
Saturday attempt to get cake to venue in one piece! And set up at 9.30 for 2pm wedding
Go home and get glad rags on

Also with the Madeira which is lemon going to do the sugar syrup with some lemon juice in but for the chocolate cake which is going to have chocolate buttercream filling would I just use plain sugar syrup?

Thanks for any advice starting to panic a bit lol x


Hello JB

I have only made one wedding cake (my sister’s) so don’t want to comment too much on timings etc. Someone more experienced would be better helping with that. However what I would say is don’t stack your cake on the Friday night. You are best to stack the cake at the venue. I was able to get in the night before the wedding to stack the cake, the room was nice and cool. It meant that I didn’t have to worry about it on the day of the wedding as I was a bridesmaid and had other things to worry about!

I personally use a vanilla syrup for choc cake as I feel it enhances the flavour of the chocolate.

Good luck



Thx the cakes for my best friend.
I was going to stack it the day before because I’m doing drapes on it and don’t really want the stress of doing these on the day or the evening before at the venue. I also wanted them to firm up a bit.
Will use vanilla sugar syrup.
I did buy a sturdy box especially for stacked cakes so hopefully it will be ok.
Feel a few sleepless nights coming on lol x


Ah ok, no problem..
You’ve done your research, I’m sure it will be fab! xx


Hi jb1958

Seems you’ve got it all pretty much wrapped up. Good advice from Lorna about the stacking, it is much safer to stack at the venue. I did a three tier wedding cake and put the drapes on so they finished at cake board, kept the cakes in individual boxes and stacked at the venue. As for the chocolate cake, you could use Bailey’s cream,
Tia Maria, any of the orange liqueurs, or even mint., lots of flavours go well with chocolate cake. The wedding I did had a 12″ chocolate base which I filled with mint aero mixed into the ganache, guests went mad for it! G’d luck with it and congratulations on your achievement. x


Mmmm mint aero x I hardly ever eat chocolate but for some reason over the last 3 weeks can’t stop eating it.
Sounds fab did you just chop up the aero? Would this work with buttercream as I was thinking of making Paul’s buttercream. X


Can’t see why not, have a go with a small portion as a dummy run, won’t hurt to try and then you’ll know for defo!
Yes, I just chopped it all up with a big sharp cheffy knife, afterwards I discovered aero bubbles, like maltesers, could have kicked myself. If you wanted to moisten the cake as well, just do it with a little alcohol, but I think chocolate cake is moist anyway. x

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