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Fondant question
Hi there,
Is there a tutorial showing how to make a sharp edge when cover a cake with fondant?
First, I covered the cake with chocolate ganache following your instruction and could be able to make a sharp edge. But then I applied the fondant, I lost the sharp edge. 🙁
Thank you,
Hi there,
Is there a tutorial showing how to make a sharp edge when cover a cake with fondant?
First, I covered the cake with chocolate ganache following your instruction and could be able to make a sharp edge. But then I applied the fondant, I lost the sharp edge. 🙁
Thank you,
There are some on youtube. I still have never managed to master it though mainly due time !!!
Hi Yooniebakery
The sharp edges can be brought back once you apply the fondant. In this tutorial http://www.cakeflix.com/topsy-turvy-cake-lesson-5-icing-the-cake Paul shows how to sharpen the edges on the topsy turvey cake, and if you put in the above search box ‘sharp edges on round cake’ you’ll see two more answers and further links. There are more tutorials and guides to choose from online if you google ‘how to get sharp edges on fondant covered cake’.
Have a look on the icing cakes section in the free/beginners section too lesson 5 is a good very example here