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asked May 29th 2016

Fondant shoe

I have to make a high heel fondant shoe but I’m unsure which icing to use, I have modelling paste, flower paste and fondant but I don’t have super modelling paste, can you please help.


Hi Geraldine

From personal experience I’ve learned not to use gumpaste or fondant for making shoes. I find flower paste the best medium when it comes to drying the thicker elements, like the sole and heel of the shoe. Is your modelling paste gumpaste? Lots of people do use gumpaste and it seems to work fine for them. The trick really is to give the piece plenty of time to dry. I usually make shoes at least two or three weeks in advance. Sometimes longer depending on the weather conditions. Take a peek here for a similar question:


I find the Squire’s kitchen flower paste more than adequate. It has good drying properites and has never let me down. I can’t comment on super modelling paste as I have never used it.
Hope this helps. 🙂


Thanks for replying so quickly which was a great help, you asked if the modelling paste was gum paste I’m not sure it’s Squires Kitchen Sugar Modelling Paste


According to the product information, Squires modelling paste is ideal for pieces which have intricate detail and dries hard. I’ll let you decide, here is their product information:
I haven’t used it and can’t say how well it does dry. I always worry about the sole and heel and just stick to what I know works best for me. I ought to try some of this stuff and compare it to their flowerpaste, which is excellent.
Another thing I meant to say is, try not to keep touching the shoe and moving it about while it is drying. Since each element is delicate, too much handling during this phase can cause small cracks, weakening the structure. I’ve learned this the hard way and now exercise more patience with shoes and models. Make the shoe up as early as you can, it will save you so much stress.


Once again thanks your reply it is very helpful although I may forget about the shoe for this weekends cake and fingers cross that the one for the following weekend will be ok.
Thanks again

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