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asked September 21st 2016

Frankenstein cake transporting

I am hoping to make this cake for a fundraiser and will be travelling approx 5 miles with it. I intend to make the body from a dummy and the head cake. I assume no need to dowel for weight? But just royal ice together with strong RI. Would this be sturdy enough if I leave to settle overnight or should I maybe do a Halloween stacked design along more standard dowelling lines?


I am hoping to make this cake for a fundraiser and will be travelling approx 5 miles with it. I intend to make the body from a dummy and the head cake. I assume no need to dowel for weight? But just royal ice together with strong RI. Would this be sturdy enough if I leave to settle overnight or should I maybe do a Halloween stacked design along more standard dowelling lines?


Hello Mrscloudy1

In lesson 6 of the tutorial Paul suggests stacking the head at the venue.
The head can be removed for transporting by whomever takes him home. Just show them how it’s done. and how to quickly reassemble on the spooky night! This is a much safer option for a top heavy structure.
It’s a great fun cake to make, it would be such a shame not to do it in favour of a stacked design. The choice is your’s.
Good luck with your fund raiser! 🙂

This answer was edited because the link did not show the correct lesson.

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