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asked October 6th 2018

Freeze cakes

Can I freeze a decorated cake



Can I freeze a decorated cake



Hi Smurf

Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have used a fondant which has been especially formulated to cope with moisture or humidity. However it can be done but a bit fiddly. The idea is to keep moisture from settling on the fondant. This can be done by placing the cake in it’s box then sealing up all the sides with tape. Place the box in a thick plastic bag and put it into another box. Seal up the second box with tape. Hopefully this will keep the moisture out. Defrost the cake still wrapped up a couple of days before it is needed. If there is dew on the fondant don’t touch it as it will leave fingerprints, just let it sit and air dry for a few hours.


Thankyou for answering me. I was going to coat it just with buttercream. Would that be ok?

Kind regards, your so helpful to everyone.


That would be no problem at all as it can be frozen in the box without all the fuss of sealing it. 🙂


Oh Thankyou so much. I’ll do that then xx


You’re welcome Smurf …. as long as there is no fondant you’ll be fine.

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