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asked September 8th 2013

Freezing a iced sponge cake

I need to make a sponge with buttercream and ice it today in Sugarpaste for a party on Saturday. Will it keep if kept in a cool place or should it be frozen or kept in a fridge. It is a 85 cake and will be hard to wrap up. Any suggestions will be most appreciated. Don’t like making this far in advance but going on holiday so no choice.


I need to make a sponge with buttercream and ice it today in Sugarpaste for a party on Saturday. Will it keep if kept in a cool place or should it be frozen or kept in a fridge. It is a 85 cake and will be hard to wrap up. Any suggestions will be most appreciated. Don’t like making this far in advance but going on holiday so no choice.


Hi tina1990

My own experience of freezing an iced cake was a disaster. This might help http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/freezing-decorated-cake It will help if you seal the box up with tape and then wrap it in heavy duty plastic. This is to keep out as much moisture from reaching the cake. On defrosting the icing will be wet with small dew drops, let it dry with out touching as it will mark and spoil the cake decoration. Hope other members will chip in will their experience. I appreciate you want to do this today and need a definite answer, good luck with it!


Thank you for this will give it a go freezing it in the box, fingers crossed it will be ok. Have frozen a cake before wrapped in cling film and then foil and this worked well but bit difficult with this one being on a board. Thanks again for answering my question so quickly.


Did not freeze cake in the end. Client kept cake in a cool place in box all week and was still lovely and moist on the Saturday, so worked well in the end.

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