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Freezing banana cake
Can this cake be filled and frozen? Also how long would it last refrigerated?
Can this cake be filled and frozen? Also how long would it last refrigerated?
Hi georgesbakes
If you are using Mrs Jones’ recipe from this site, it may be best to contact Mrs Jones and get her advice. Mrs Jones can be contacted here: http://www.mrsjonescakes.co.uk/events/
Let her know you are with Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School. Contact her either by email or by phone.
I’m sure she will be delighted to advise you. Good luck and happy baking! 🙂
Mrs Jones’ reply to a message from Lena:
Good morning Lena
Lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them.
I am sure you will agree that there is nothing tastes better than a cake that has been freshly baked. I do, however, understand how busy you will be when preparing for this large event.
Both these cakes will freeze well if wrapped in cling film. Please do not sit them on top of each other as they are freezing. As you are aware they are softer cakes and might flatten slightly in this situation. Please note that I always use an extra 10% flour in this recipe if I am going to dowel and stack these types of cakes. It helps gives them extra strength.
If you layer and fill them before freezing be careful that they do not get bashed as you put them in and take them out of the freezer. Please note that I always use an extra 10% flour in the recipes for strength if I am going to dowel and stack these types of cakes. Allow time for any condensation to dry out too.
I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to come back to me if you have any more questions. I am always happy to help a fellow baker! Don’t forget to send me a picture of the finished cakes on display.
Kind regards
Mrs Jones