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golf bag templates
I feel like this might be a stupid question but I can’t figure out which template is for what as none of the templates seem to be the right shape for the pocket on the bottom at the side?
I feel like this might be a stupid question but I can’t figure out which template is for what as none of the templates seem to be the right shape for the pocket on the bottom at the side?
Hi sandilee123
I think the big side pocket is shown as two templates, so cut those out and join them together on the rice krispie base to form the correct shape. The template which looks like a U shape sits on the top face of the bag and has the white border. The remaining template is the upper side pocket and has a slightly curved angle at the bottom.
I’m using this as the visual https://www.cakeflix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Golf-Bag-Cake.pdf
Hope it all makes sense.
I don’t think that is right. when you look at the tutorial the shape of the bottom side pocket isn’t even remotely close to the shape of any of those templates, even when together. I have tried.
Best thing would be to drop an email to customer service at designer-cakes.com and ask for elucidation. 🙂