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asked July 9th 2014

Gravity cake

I want to have a go at making a cake and have m&ms or skittles pouring out the packet. I have seen a tutorial on YouTube and they use a plastic balloon holder for the structure. Can anyone tell me if this is safe to put through the cake



I want to have a go at making a cake and have m&ms or skittles pouring out the packet. I have seen a tutorial on YouTube and they use a plastic balloon holder for the structure. Can anyone tell me if this is safe to put through the cake



Hello jb 1958

I can’t give you an 100% certain answer on this, however so many people are using these balloon sticks now that I would be inclined to say it’s ok. On the other hand the actual weight the stick is carrying is so tiny that you could probably get away with using a straw/dowel/lollystick as the internal structure to support the m&m bag. The sweets can still be stuck to the alternative sticks in exactly the same way. I don’t think the suction cup is necessary for something so light. Why not place an alternative stick in a ball of sugarpaste or a small shop bought cake and see whether it would work? I’m sorry I can’t give a definite answer. Hope someone else will be able to.


Well had a go today fortunately it was just a small cake for us disaster! Lol
I just couldn’t get the m&ms to stick to the support. I tried a plastic dowell and a wooden skewer.
Anyone got any deas of the best things to use?

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