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Half and half cake
Hi is there any tutorial on how to make a half and half cake, traditional wedding cake front, with a superhero themed back? Promised my friend I’d make her wedding cake and this is what she wants…I’m a hobby baker that’s now having a meltdown …..! (luckily I’ve got nearly a year to practice or get her to change her mind!!) Thank you
Hi Sally,
I do these regularly – they’re one of my most popular wedding designs over the next year in various formats be it superheroes, star wars, james bond etc.
I roll my sugarpaste out as normal for each tier (doing the coloured before the white sugarpaste). Make a line halfway across your cake or wherever you want the join to be. Cut a straight line through your sugarpaste and drape it over your cake lining the straight edge up with the line you’ve marked on the cake then you can smooth it down as normal.
I leave the half covered tiers to set overnight so there’s no colour transfer etc. when I add the white then I do the white sugarpaste in the same way.
It is a cake you need to pre-assemble and deliver stacked. If it’s over 3 tiers high or you have to travel any further than half an hour with it I would recommend a centre dowel support system like the Sturdy Cake Stackers (you can also buy the pre-drilled cake cards from them too). Obviously you don’t have to but for me it’s extra peace of mind.
Once it’s assembled and stacked you need to create a drape to cover the join. I use the Danielle Gotheridge technique – there is a few of Danielle’s tutorials on here which will show you how. I cover it all in one with one long drape. Alternatively you could cover the whole join with sugar flowers etc. but it might look a little odd/over done if you did that. Or you could do the drape in sections and then use sugar flowers to cover the joins (you could possibly get away with stacking at the venue if your joins were really neat but I personally wouldn’t chance it).
The only bit left then is to decorate each side!
Hope that helps but if there’s anything else just shout!
Yvonne x
Hi Sally
Paul doesn’t have a tutorial on a half and half traditional wedding cake but you can put in a request by using the contact form here: http://www.cakeflix.com/contact-us
You never know you might get lucky! 🙂
Meanwhile though, if you google ‘half and half wedding cake’ you can get lots of ideas and inspirations for designs and a tutorial in youtube which you may find helpful. Look in google images as well because some of them lead to tutorials. Good luck!
Thank you so much
Hey Yvonne Thank you so very much for your informative answer. I also really appreciate the offer for advice,I will look at all the links/tutorials….and hopefully by the time I do it..it will be a clear as ganache!
Thank you once again 🙂
My pleasure, just shout if you get stuck xx