Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 12th 2013

Have you a tutorial for a flowerpaste poppy?

i need to make some poppies to decorate the top of a cake and wondered if you have any videos to help please?


i need to make some poppies to decorate the top of a cake and wondered if you have any videos to help please?


Hi Allidockree

I don’t believe we have any poppy tutorials at the moment, however, there are several if you search in youtube ‘how to make gum paste poppies’.
These are some good ones to look out for ‘Poetry on a plate’ ‘Crafty Kraut’ ( which shows how to make poppies without special cutters) ‘CakeToppers4u’. and others which you may like. I make my poppies with cutters which I bought from Sun Flower Sugar Art. I hope this helps.

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