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Help with a specific cake
Hi all,
Could you please help me to identify what kind of mat is used for this cake on bottom of first tier , and just want to confirm the flower cutters I need to buy for these flowers.
Hi all,
Could you please help me to identify what kind of mat is used for this cake on bottom of first tier , and just want to confirm the flower cutters I need to buy for these flowers.
Hi neha
Do you mean the gold cake lace at the bottom of the first tier? If it is, unfortunately the picture isn’t clear enough to identify the pattern. I googled the blog post to see whether there was a better image but there doesn’t appear to be. I think the large flowers are peonies and the smaller ones might be poppy or rose although please don’t take my word for it as these flowers can be produced by using a variety of cutters. They’re very pretty but not particularly specific. If you can find a better image of the cake it may make it easier to identify the lace mat.
yeah that was the problem , since I could not make it out from picture. Can you suggest me which will be the nearest pattern and how do you make it. I am so sorry that I am asking such questions , but my best friend hubby is throwing a surprise party and he wanted this cake. though this cake is bit out of my league, but I an so willing to try.
Any help will be sooooooooooo appreciated.
It’s made with edible lace. Just google it and you can see all the suppliers and brands. Have a look on youtube for tutorials. I’ve been searching in google images trying to find something close to that pattern. I still can’t make it out. How about this one from Global Sugar Art:
For more patterns search in google images ‘edible lace patterns’
I don’t think this cake is out of your league! Don’t do as many flowers, you can still get that wow factor with one big statment flower. Oh and you could also make your own pattern. The cake lace powder, once made up, can be piped onto clear acetate or parchment paper and left to dry. If you have a pattern in mind it can be traced over with the cake lace to produce your own design. The powder comes in white but you can colour it or use luster dusts on made pieces.
Thanks MIWL,
I will definitely give it a try.
You’re welcome Neha, this is not beyond your skill level. Good luck!
Not sure if I’m too late to answer this but it looks to me like it could be a bubble border mould rather than lace, similar to these here: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=bubble+border+mould&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ39OXnrLMAhXBIsAKHTFtC70QsAQIGw
I have lots of lace mats by various brands – far too many if you ask my husband 🙂 and use edible lace loads on wedding cakes butI’ve never seen one with that close a texture/pattern which is why I’m thinking it may be a mould.
Hope that helps,
Yvonne x
Your observations are very welcome Yvonne. It’s a shame the picture is so obsure. It could be the bubble mould, I have that one but haven’t tried it out yet. Your suggestion puts another opinion into the mix! Thank you x