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asked December 20th 2013

High altitude recipies

I tried to do the chocolate cake, but it came out of the oven and sank in the center, as I live in a city that is 2800 mts over sea level, I think this might affect the quantities, do you have the measures to do this cake in high altitude?
and for the other recipies?
Thanks for your answer


I tried to do the chocolate cake, but it came out of the oven and sank in the center, as I live in a city that is 2800 mts over sea level, I think this might affect the quantities, do you have the measures to do this cake in high altitude?
and for the other recipies?
Thanks for your answer


Hello fpicconi

In the Uk we do not have high altitude cake recipes. To make adjustments to the chocolate cake recipe you will find an altitude guide here http://allrecipes.com/howto/high-altitude-cake-baking/
There are other suggestions online if you google ‘how to adjust cake recipes for high altitude baking’.
Hope this helps.

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