Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 2nd 2017

How do I cancel my Subscribtion?


I have been Subscribe d to Paul´s page for over 2 years, and never took a course or video,. I want to calcel, I live in Mexico and the dollar is going up and up, and i just cannot afford anymore to pay and not use iT

Please your help!

UserName: Cakeis



I have been Subscribe d to Paul´s page for over 2 years, and never took a course or video,. I want to calcel, I live in Mexico and the dollar is going up and up, and i just cannot afford anymore to pay and not use iT

Please your help!

UserName: Cakeis


Hi Katia,

To cancel please contact our help team on [email protected] or the link below and they will sort everything out for you.

Contact Us

You can link your membership now to a fixed $ price if that helps, but best to contact the help team who are normally very quick to reply.

Kind regards

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