Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A
How do people cope
Hi I’m just wondering how all you cope with doing upto 4 cakes a week when it’s just you doing them?
Hi I’m just wondering how all you cope with doing upto 4 cakes a week when it’s just you doing them?
hi AngieH,
It can be a very time consuming vocation. We would always plan around 4 weeks ahead so we would bake in bulk then freeze the cakes we´ll need for the next 4 weeks. Same when we are ordering stock, we would do it once a month rather than every cake or every week. Make flowers or repetitive decorations in front of the TV (if you´ve time). Always create a weekly timeplan and make sure that your deliveries are all thought through well in advance.
It can be tough, but very rewarding. Hopefully the ideas above will help a little.
Kind regards, David
Thanks David,
I’ve just started to freeze my cakes, and will get them out the night before I decorate , my question is more if I have 4 cakes in one week all wanting for the weekend, im not that fast at decorating so would need to start the 1st cake on a tues, if filled with buttercream etc would that cake still be ok for the weekend ? x
miwl has given some excellant advice and im going to make a trial cake and leave it out an see how it is after a few 4/5days just wondered what other members thoughts were on this an how they do it x