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how long can a cake be kept
I am doing a two tier birthday cake. One chocolate and one plain madeira sponge. Both will have buttercream filling. I am going away that week and they want the cake for Saturday. If I bake them on the Sunday before and fill and crust them on the Monday and cover them with the icing will they keep until the Saturday.
I am doing a two tier birthday cake. One chocolate and one plain madeira sponge. Both will have buttercream filling. I am going away that week and they want the cake for Saturday. If I bake them on the Sunday before and fill and crust them on the Monday and cover them with the icing will they keep until the Saturday.
Hi kathjoy
The madeira cake should be fine as it does have a longer shelf life than other sponge type cakes. The chocolate cake really depends on the recipe. Most mud cake recipes will last for about 5 -7 days, even up to 10 days if stored in the fridge. It would be important to store the cakes at a very cool temperature to get the best shelf life. To make an informed decison please see all the comments regarding shelf life of cake here:
Click on the most relevant threads so you can get a good idea on how to extend eating time by a few days.
Hope this helps.