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asked September 11th 2012

How long can I keep a ganache cake!!

Hi Paul, just wanted to ask if I was to make a cake can I put the ganach on and leave it for couple of days in the fridge and then get it out to decorate it with fondant, and if that’s possible then how long can I leave in the frige with the ganach on? And also after the whole cake is done would it still be nice and moist after you cut the cake?

Thank you!!!


Hi Paul, just wanted to ask if I was to make a cake can I put the ganach on and leave it for couple of days in the fridge and then get it out to decorate it with fondant, and if that’s possible then how long can I leave in the frige with the ganach on? And also after the whole cake is done would it still be nice and moist after you cut the cake?

Thank you!!!


Hi herabegum, there are several answers for your question. Just put ‘ganache’ in the search box and they will all come up for you. Hope this helps you.

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