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asked July 19th 2016

How long does ganache keep

If I made ganache a week ago and kept the leftovers in the fridge am I able to use it on this weeks cake? Or will it be off when it comes to room temperature? The cake isn’t being collected until Saturday so I am worried the ganache will be off by then as it won’t be on a refrigerated cake

Many thanks


If I made ganache a week ago and kept the leftovers in the fridge am I able to use it on this weeks cake? Or will it be off when it comes to room temperature? The cake isn’t being collected until Saturday so I am worried the ganache will be off by then as it won’t be on a refrigerated cake

Many thanks


Hi gucci906

The ganache should be fine to use if it’s only a week old. Refrigerated in an airtight container, it will keep good for at least a fortnight. However, with present weather conditions (hot in the UK) I would recommend making a new batch for your client. For the sake of a little cream and chocolate, it isn’t worth risking your reputation or the health of your client and guests! 🙂

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