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How long for a stiletto shoe to dry
Hi, I’m making my first stiletto shoe using Renshaw black modelling paste and a shoe kit.
I’ve read conflicting views on how long a shoe should take to dry properly. The instructions on the kit say overnight, Paul’s tutorial is overnight, but I’ve read others saying at least 10 days or even 2 weeks.
I’ve had my shoe drying now for 3 days, and I only have 1 more day drying time left. The shoe is dry, but the sole is still a little flexible, and I’m worried transporting the cake will cause it to break. I’m thinking of a quick remedy of a pastillage under support.
Any helpful advice or tips would be appreciated.
Hi sugarmouse
It all varies depending on the type of modelling paste you’re using, the weather and the thickness of the item.
I had my one of my heels drying for 4 weeks and it still stayed soft! I think it’s really important to have good under support because that’s where the shoe breaks. Your idea of pastillage might work, it sets hard really quickly. You could also try popping the heal in the oven on just the light setting( oven off) or have it on the lowest setting with door ajar. This might encourage the paste to dry out more quickly. At the moment your pastillage idea is more favourable. Hope other members can help. Paste… I find Squires best for drying. Not knocking Renshaws but their paste gave me problems. This is just from my own personal experience.