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asked October 16th 2016

How much sugarpaste do I need.?

Hi I am covering a rectangular cake with sugarpaste .Can you advise how much


Hi I am covering a rectangular cake with sugarpaste .Can you advise how much


Hi sorry must have teased send too soon ! The cake is a single layer unfilled rectangular cake measuring 24 inches by 14 inches .I want to make sure I have sufficient paste to cover it well .Thanks


Hi Woodysmum

What size rectangle and depth cake are you covering please? Alternatively, please see my sugarpaste chart for different size cakes here: http://www.cakeflix.com/calculating-how-much-sugarpaste-you-need-to-cover-a-cake

Follow the chart for square cake. This will give you an approximate amount. If you need more precise figures please let me know.


Assuming the cake is 3″ deep and you are rolling out to 5mm thickness, you’ll need 2.5k sugarpaste to cover 24″ x 14″ cake. If you roll out thinner, there will be a small amount of paste over. Please let me know whether this helps.


That’s great thanks for your help .

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