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asked February 6th 2017

how to deliver a princess castle cake safety?

1) How to make sure the castle tower stand strongly one the cake board?
2) Can I put the 1 tier after arrive the venue? Or
3) Use the buttercream to stick the 1 tier is fine?


1) How to make sure the castle tower stand strongly one the cake board?
2) Can I put the 1 tier after arrive the venue? Or
3) Use the buttercream to stick the 1 tier is fine?


Hi joannel

Is it this castle cake https://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/fairy-castle
If it is, you could transport it already stacked. Royal icing is stronger than buttercream and will hold the tiers without movement. The pillars can be assembled at the venue. Alternatively,transport the tiers and pillars unassembled and attach all at the venue with a little royal icing. Do I have the right cake as there are two more on the site?


Hi! Madeitwithlove
Thank you for your reply. It’s sort of the design but I’ll create my own one. There will be 4 towers assembles on the bottom tier each corner. I’ll try to use royal icing this time and keep the top tier aside until arrive to the venue. Many thanks!


I also did my own design of that tutorial. Mine was very tall so boxed the tiers by two for transporting and kept all the decorated towers in a box ready for assembly. Once at the venue it took me approx 5 minutes to put the whole thing together. Take an emergency kit with you in case you need to do last minute repaires. I made Princess Merida and the unicorn from Paul’s tutorials to place on the castle and lots of trailing flower. A good stiff royal icing sticks everything down very fast, you’ll have no problems. If you get a chance, post a picture of your cake on Paul’s facebook. Good luck! 🙂

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