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asked November 22nd 2016

How to support a glass on a tiered cake

Does anyone know how to attach a martini glass on top of a tiered cake? The design is a glass on top of a cake with a fondant model in it, how can I stop the glass toppling I’ve and attach it so it’s sturdy?


Does anyone know how to attach a martini glass on top of a tiered cake? The design is a glass on top of a cake with a fondant model in it, how can I stop the glass toppling I’ve and attach it so it’s sturdy?


Hi Tomandhen123

Personally I would use royal icing as it will set hard enough to prevent too much movement. If you don’t want to use royal icing, candy melts is a very good alternative. You would just have to be extra careful when transporting the cake and also wise to take some royal icing or candy melts with you in case of accidents. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need any more information. My apologies for such a late reply x


Thank you for your advice, but still worried about the glass falling over, as the weight of it, even when attached to the sugarpaste could pull the paste as it’s only soft. Was thinking about pushing a dowel through the cake and fixing it to the bottom of the glass for support. Don’t know how to do it, as obviously to glue it wouldn’t be good safe?


Meant wouldn’t be food safe


I don’t think sticking the glass to a dowel would be very secure. The glass is top heavy so any movement will make it shift. I would really suggest sticking the glass on it’s own round decorated board and leaving it to set as any other topper. Dowel the tier and then assemble the topper at the venue. Use candy melts to secure it as it sets hard very quickly. I’ve had a look at lots of images of a girl in a martini glass topper and as far as I can see, they all appear to be sitting on their own little cake card. I think this would be the safest and easiest way. I’ll keep looking for other ways.


Thank you for your help. Will try securing it to a cake card and see how it goes. Just looking at ways to do it and testing them out.


Could you use a plastic glass? I woul be concerned that the glass would break on the cake but I’m a bit of a worrier ?


Could you use a plastic glass? I woul be concerned that the glass would break on the cake but I’m a bit of a worrier ?


I was going to suggest that too Woodysmum but I think the plastic glass would be too light for the model. Like you, I would worry about the glass tumbling and breaking.

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