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asked June 30th 2012

how to thicken up ganache

i lobe decorating cakes but whenever i make the ganach it is always to thin and does not hold its shape. i manage to decorate the cake by applying lots of it and having to waste the  ganache that comes off


i lobe decorating cakes but whenever i make the ganach it is always to thin and does not hold its shape. i manage to decorate the cake by applying lots of it and having to waste the  ganache that comes off


Did you put it in the fridge? I always make it the day before and put it in the fridge overnight so it sets hard. Then take it out a while before you need it or gradually soften it in the microwave until it’s a fairly firm spreadable consistency.


I always leave it to cool then pop in the fridge for a few hours. If too set pop in the micro for a few seconds at a time till its like piping consistency



Have you watched our video on making ganache? http://www.cakeflix.com/online-cake-decorating-courses/chocolate-ganache


Paul Doffman

Customer Support


yes i tried the recipe but to no avail, i follow the recipe and it just doesn’t thicken up



I’m not able to give any advice myself as I’m just the IT guy! but there was a similar question a few weeks ago with a good few responses http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/ganache

Hope that helps

Paul Doffman

Customer Support


You could try whisking it for a few minutes, I very often do that if I’m in a hurry for it to thicken. Also are you using double cream?


Mine came out too thick. I supose it depends of the cream you are using. And it must be the chocolate with at least 60 percent of cacao


I followed the tutorial & used Elmlea cream & it was fine. I’m yet to try white chocolate.

Hope you get on ok 🙂


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