Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 28th 2016

Ideas 21sr


Looking for ideas for a joint 21st his and hers has anybody made something which they could share , drink related please unsure how to go about decorating it ,any ideas appreciated




Looking for ideas for a joint 21st his and hers has anybody made something which they could share , drink related please unsure how to go about decorating it ,any ideas appreciated



Hi alicain

The obvious ones which come to mind are the disco cakes with silhouetee dancers. The cutters for the dancers is available from Patchwork cutters,. I think the set also comes with champagne bottle and champagne glass cutter.
Another idea could be a split his and her cake, google ‘split cakes’ for ideas which could be adapted. How about an ice bucket, one side filled with beer bottls and the other with champagne bottles. I don’t know your skill level so a little limited to what I can suggest. There are lots of ideas in the tutorials library how about something like this on a smaller scale:

Fourth Anniversary

Let me know if any of this helps and also a little more information on the type of cake you have in mind.


Thankyou for your help much appreciatedc

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