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Instead of alcohol mix with luster dust for paint???
Hi every one, my name is Sara, I have two questions. 1. What can I mix to paint with luster dust instead of alcohol? Because I can’t use anything contains alcohol. 2. Im living in USA so where can I find the ruby moon beem from squires kitchen?
Thank u
Hi every one, my name is Sara, I have two questions. 1. What can I mix to paint with luster dust instead of alcohol? Because I can’t use anything contains alcohol. 2. Im living in USA so where can I find the ruby moon beem from squires kitchen?
Thank u
Hi sarahZM
Rainbow Dust make a range of metallic alcohol free colours which can be purchased online via distributors.
The company itself will only sell to trade, however to see their range or to contact them see here for information:
The Squire’s Kitchen ruby moon might be available in the US from Global Sugar Art. Global tend to carry quite a lot of UK products, might be worth an inquiry with them. Perhaps also email Squire’s Kitchen directly and ask who distributes their products in America if at all. This is their contact:
Mediums such as cocoa butter and shortening can be used for painting. However because of the waxy or greasy nature of these products the finished items can easily smudge ( with shortening) or melt (cocoa butter).
I’ve used both methods for stencilling with good results but only during the winter when the cold reduces the risk of smudging and melting. When painting with shortening I’ve used ink blotting paper to absorb some of the grease. Some of the colour does come off but it just depends what you’re painting and how large a surface. For small areas water can be used sparingly. Over wetting fondant will make it break down and dissolve. Painting in layers, allowing one layer to dry completely before painting another would give more favourable results, however long drawn out! There is suggestion on some sites that lemon juice from concentrate can be used. I would think this would leave a flavour taint and as lemon is bleaching, it could alter colour shades. It will also require drying time since it doesn’t necessarily evaporate in the same way as alcohol base products. Lemon extract ( not juice) contains alcohol which would not be suitable for you.
The information I have given is only from my own personal experience. Other members may have information which I have not come across or perhaps use different alcohol free painting methods.
Another way could be to try water based airbrush colours.
Oh thank u so much madeitwithlove for ur answer 🙂 really you helped me a lot I will email the squire’s kitchen company. And for the luster dust I tried it with lemon juice for a large surface it’s work, but it wasn’t dry and when I took it to the party it was toooo sticky 🙁 but I will try cocoa butter and water.