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Latest tutorial
Hi, can someone explain how I access lesson 1 of the latest tutorial – summertime stack tutorial. I have watched the ‘Overview’ but am unable to progress any further.
Hi, can someone explain how I access lesson 1 of the latest tutorial – summertime stack tutorial. I have watched the ‘Overview’ but am unable to progress any further.
Hi clan
Click the back arrow under the video which will go to lesson 1. However it seems that lesson 2 is not playing either. If you find it isn’t for you, leave a message in the comments section under the videos. Hope this makes sense!
Hi clan,
It may be that you are not signed in to your account, which would then only show the overview. If you have any issues at all please contact our support team at: [email protected]
We have managed to sort out the problem with Lesson 2 so once you are in you will be able to watch all the lessons.