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‘Latose free’ ganache?
Any ideas for a lactose free ganache, especially one that can cope with being persuaded into the sharp corners that are so popular here in Australia.
Any ideas for a lactose free ganache, especially one that can cope with being persuaded into the sharp corners that are so popular here in Australia.
Hi 4thmarr
Lactose free ganache can be made with any dairy free substitute. For stockiests of lactose free cream and milk
take a peek here:
For lactose free chocolate take a look here:
The chocolate to cream ratio may need to be slightly altered to give the correct consistency. Initially keep the ratios the same and leave the ganache to rest overnight and test consistency. If it needs to be thicker add more carefully melted chocolate to the ganache and incorporate until smooth.
Cover the ganache surface with clingfilm pushing out as much air out as possible and keep refrigerated.
Warm ganache in short 20-30 second bursts, stir gently after each burst until it reaches working consistency.
For ganache quantities there is a chart here:
To understand a little about the shelf life of ganache, there is some information here:
I would recommend that a practice run should be made first so that the filling and crumb coating consistency can be determined. Hope some of this helps.