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asked July 3rd 2012

Leapord print

Can you tell me how to get the leopard  print design onto fondant please.


Can you tell me how to get the leopard  print design onto fondant please.


I  would look at a leopard skin image and paint by hand using dusting powders and alcohol.



Hi Denise, what you do is roll out fondant (colour of our choice) to a size slightly smaller than your cake (more rolling to do in a while). Roll out a darker piece of fondant keeping it thick and cut out several leopard spots with a small round or oval cutter. Place these spots on your rolled out fondant and cover the whole thing with with a plastic sheet to prevent it drying. Roll out another piece of fondant in a lighter colour, again not too thinly and cut out the same amount of spots as the dark ones. Place the smaller spots onto the bigger ones slightly offset from the middle and roll over all the spots until you get the effect you like (the spots will meld into your rolled out fondant) and cover your cake. Have a practice on a spare piece of fondant until you feel satisfied with the technique.  Phew! that was long winded!! I don’t think you can use chocolate transfer sheets on fondant because you’d need to spread the sheets with melted chocolate. I think Paul has something similar on the baby tutorial. Hope this helps, sorry it was so long.


You could try the chocolate icing sheets or even the icing sheets by wilton i think they do leopard print.


hi jayess go to www.tracey mann she does a leopard print transfer sheet                                                        lesleya


hi denise sorry for calling you jayess   you can use transfer sheets on sugerpaste    place the transfer sheet down onto the sugarpaste with pattern against the paste using a smoother hold the sheet in place  and to keep it still  use a hairdryer and begin to heat the transfer use the smoother to press the sheet into the sugerpaste as you go hold the hairdryer about 3-4in away from the sheet keep moving the dryer and smoother for 2or 3 mins be careful not to over heat the acetate sheet if this happens,it will start to crinkle   sounds hard but is easy hope it helps

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