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Lesson 5 of the retirement cake/ lady and cat cake
Hello. I’ve been watching the seated older lady and the cat cake, but lesson 5 wont load. Is there an issue with this? I would be very grateful if someone could have a look at this please as I’ve been really enjoying the tutorial up to this point.
Hello. I’ve been watching the seated older lady and the cat cake, but lesson 5 wont load. Is there an issue with this? I would be very grateful if someone could have a look at this please as I’ve been really enjoying the tutorial up to this point.
Hi kimberly
I’ve just viewed lesson 5 of the tutorial and it is loading and playing fine here with me. When this has happened to me in the past I’ve come right out of the tutorial and tried again. Sometimes I leave it and go back an hour or so later. Also have a look at help and support, scroll down to the section where it says ‘what do I do if the video doesn’t play’ you’ll see some suggestions there which might help.
If you find non of these things work for you contact [email protected]
where either Andy or a member of the technical team can help out with more suggestions.
Hope this helps.