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Login in problems
Hi, I haven’t logged in for a while and now I’m having problems. The fact that I’m able to post this questions tells me I’m logged in yet when I watch the videos it’s stopping and asking me to enter my email address. Help!…please x
Hi, I haven’t logged in for a while and now I’m having problems. The fact that I’m able to post this questions tells me I’m logged in yet when I watch the videos it’s stopping and asking me to enter my email address. Help!…please x
I’m having the same issue… Have been since yesterday?? X
Also lesson headings are not corresponding with the videos 🙁 trying to watch a lesson on milk chocolate ganache and it doesn’t seem to exist :-/
Hello both
Are you able to change your password? If you click on the avatar in the top right hand corner of this page it will take you to your account where you can do that. I had to change my password because the site was telling me it was wrong. It might be worth trying.
Some of the headings are jumbled up and some are missing since the the new site was launched. All the blogs had disappeared but are now back on. If you take a look at my ganache chart you can get the quantites for all the different chocolates.
The blog is here:
Making the ganache is the same as you would white and the video for that is working. You can use 2.5 chocolate to 1 cream ratio if you prefer. The ganache video does say that but there is a note under the video which directs members to my chart as well. It’s up to you which ratio you use. I use 3:1 because it sets better.
Hopefully more things will get sorted out tomorrow. If you still can’t log in let the technical support team know by using this form: https://designer-cakes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hope some of this helps. Could you let me know please if you have managed to log in. x
It’s great to be back I am having trouble logging in to my limousine car cake looking forward to doing more tutorials thank you Beverley